张继平(ping)先生,1968年11月出(chu)生,对外(wai)经(jing)济贸易大学法(fa)学学士、硕(shuo)士,美(mei)国纽(niu)约(yue)大学法(fa)学院法(fa)学硕(shuo)士。1993年至1996年,在中国证(zheng)券(quan)监督管理(li)委员会法(fa)律部(bu)工(gong)作;1997年至2003年,就职于(yu)Simpson Thacher & Bartlett LLP纽(niu)约(yue)和香(xiang)港办(ban)公(gong)室;2004年加入海问律师事务所,2014年5月起(qi)任该所主任合伙人。张继平(ping)先生具有超过25年的法(fa)律工(gong)作经(jing)验(yan),业(ye)务领域主要包括外(wai)商投资、投资并购、资本(ben)市场业(ye)务。2021年4月起(qi),出(chu)任本(ben)公(gong)司独(du)立董事。
Mr. Zhang Jiping, born in November 1968, obtained a bachelor’s degree and Master’s degree in International Law from the University of International Business and Economics in Beijing and a master’s degree from New York University School of Law. He worked at the Legal Department of China Securities Regulatory Commission as a staff attorney from 1993 and 1996. He worked at Simpson Thacher & Bartlett LLP in its New York and Hong Kong offices from 1997 to 2003. He joined Haiwen & Partners in 2004 and has been promoted as a managing partner in May 2014. Mr. Zhang has over 25 years of legal experience, and his practice primarily focuses on the FDI, M&A,and capital markets areas. He has been a Director of the Company since April 2021.