


Huaxin Cement Co., Ltd. Announcement on Gaoling Fund, L.P Increasing Its Shareho

Stock Codes: 600801, 900933  Stock Abbreviations: Huaxin Cement, Huaxin B Share  Ref: Lin 2010-028
The Board of Directors of the Company and its members guarantee that there is no false or misleading statement or material omission in this announcement and shall be severally and jointly liable for the truthfulness, accuracy and completeness of its contents.
Huaxin Cement Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “the Company”) received a notice in respect of shareholding increase from its shareholder Gaoling Fund, L.P on December 29, 2010.  On December 28, 2010, Gaoling Fund, L.P accumulatively increased its B shareholding of the Company by 155,300 shares (covering 0.04% of the total shares of the Company) through the trading system of Shanghai Stock Exchange.
Before the shareholding increase, Gaoling Fund, L.P held 20,065,047 shares, covering 4.97% of the total shares of the Company.
After the shareholding increase, Gaoling Fund, L.P now holds 20,220,347 shares, covering 5.01% of the total shares of the Company.
For detailed information, please refer to the attached Simplified Report on Change in Equity.
It is herewith announced.
Huaxin Cement Co., Ltd.
Board of Directors

December 31, 20


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